Close Brothers Group plc websites
Close Brothers is a leading merchant banking group providing lending, deposit taking, wealth management services and securities trading. Detailed below are the other businesses within our group.

Close Brothers Brewery Rentals
Supplies a complete range of container management solutions for the brewing sector, including sale and rent back services.

Close Brothers Invoice Finance
Provides invoice discounting, factoring and asset based lending (ABL) solutions for businesses of all sizes, across a broad range of industries.

Close Brothers Commercial Finance
Offers a range of flexible funding options across Ireland.

Close Brothers Leasing
Offers specialist, structured finance solutions for the UK middle ticket market across a variety of assets ranging from construction, manufacturing, IT equipment, as well as specialist assets.

Close Brothers Business Finance
Works with an extensive network of brokers to provide asset finance across a broad range of industries from agriculture and construction to manufacturing and transport.

Winterflood Business Services
Offers a variety of independent, RDR compliant, dealing, custody and settlement services to institutional, wealth management and brokerage clients.

Winterflood Investment Trusts
Provides a comprehensive service to the secondary market and corporate clients, including market making, sales, sales trading, research and corporate broking.

Winterflood Securities
The leading UK market maker provides liquidity and flexible execution services to retail brokers, asset managers and institutional investors.

Braemar Finance
Offers loan, hire purchase, leasing and refinancing options to the professional service sector, including dental, medical, pharmacy and veterinary.

Close Brothers Asset Finance
Offers a range of flexible funding options including hire purchase, leasing, refinancing, and sale and hire purchase back facilities.

Close Brothers Asset Management
Provide integrated financial planning advice, investment management and financial education to private and corporate clients, as well as investment services for professional advisers.

Close Brothers Aviation and Marine
Provides tailored funding for general aviation aircraft and a wide range of leisure and commercial vessels.

Close Brothers Motor Finance
Offers specialist vehicle finance solutions for individuals and businesses in partnership with a network of car, motorcycle and light commercial vehicles dealerships.

Close Brothers Premium Finance
Helps businesses and individuals pay their insurance premiums by spreading the cost over regular instalments when purchasing through an insurance intermediary.

Close Brothers Property Finance
Finances residential and pre-let commercial developments, and provides loans to acquire or retain investment properties.

Close Brothers Savings
Close Brothers Savings provides competitive interest rates for fixed term deposits and notice accounts, available for personal depositors who are UK residents aged 18 and over.